As 2018 is coming to and end, I have decided to review my year.


One of my major goals for 2018 was to focus and improve my public speaking skills. Specifically, I wanted to do my first talk at an international conference.

I created a spreadsheet with a bunch of events that were interesting to me, such as Gophercon US, Gophercon UK, KubeCons and so on. I organized them by CFP dates and tried to come up with a few topics for each of them.

In March my talk was accepted at Gophercon UK, which was going to take place in London on July. I ended up using all my free time from March until the day of the talk to work on the presentation. I was really happy with the result and plan on doing more talks in English in the future.

I ended up not submitting to other international events but did a lightning talk at Gophercon US 1 month later.

A few highlights:

  1. I spoke at 5 conferences, 1 meetup and gave a internal talk at my company.
  2. Most of those talks were recorded and you can watch it on my talks page.
  3. So far, over 1k views on those videos!
  4. 2 talks in english (GopherconUK and a lightning talk at Gophercon)

I’m really grateful for all the conference organizers and my company,, who sponsored me to attend those conferences.


I read 24 books in 2018 (not including some re-reads). This was my goal and I’ll try the same number next year.

The full list is at Goodreads but my favorite ones were:

  • The Linux Programming Interface
  • A Song of Ice and Fire series (read the first 4 books)
  • Seeking SRE

I’m always looking for book recommendations, so if you got one, feel free to send it to me :).


I regret not keeping a journal with work accomplishments. In 2018 most of my work was related to improving our internal Kubernetes usage and integrate it further with tsuru, our open source PaaS.


2019 is coming with lots of changes, on both my professional and my personal life. I’m going to deliberately keep the number of goals to a minimum:

  • Read at least 24 books
  • Keep a journal with work accomplishments (for performance reviews) and notes